Habbo Retros

Find the best Habbo retros in town!

PlayGlobal.UK 🌍 Stable economy 📈 Events! 🥳 Custom UI 🖥 Hiring 💡
💕Friendly Staff💕Friendly Members💕Nitro(HTML5)💕Flash💕24/7💕Unlimited everything FREE💕Relaxing💕Soothing💕Calm💕Now Hiring💕Flexible💕New Member Promotion💕
Frank: the latest haven for Habbo fans! Dive into wired challenges, daily events. Miss old Habbo? Join our niche community. With a balanced economy and welcoming vibe join us at Frank.community!
YouHab Hotel is an international Community focused on friendship where we do our best to keep an enjoyable and not toxic environment for everybody. We merge the good things of the old Habbo to the power of the newest technologies. Join us :)
Wired & fun. Daily competitions. Nitro client. Dream casino. Regular updates. Dedicated server. No download. Custom furni. Hiring. Friendly community. Gambling. Custom features. Daily events. Free speech. Join now! 🎮🏆💻💰🎲
Revival RP is a Habbo Roleplay based on the old school era. We feature gangs, turfs, weapons, bounties, drugs, brawls, corporations, bank robberies, requesting court trials, digging graves and more!
An unofficial continuation of ClassicHabbo. We've got a downloadable launcher with both Shockwave and Flash options, all the classic games like Battle Ball and SnowStorm, Lido diving, the camera, trax and much more. Come check us out!
HabFlash☺BestHotelaround☺NoLag☺AwesomeStaff☺GreatBadgeMakers☺Online24/7☺Why Not Join TODAY?!!?? Do IT NOW!
Retromuzda yeni yeni kataloglar , sürekli güncellenen yetkili kadrosu, hiçbir türk retroda olmayan menü, güzel ve zevkli sohbet imkanı, kaliteli zaman ile sizlerin hizmetindeyiz. Kalitenin Adresi-> Hablon.biz