Habbo Retros

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Tag Results for: roleplay

Simply the best place to be since 2013. Fully working wired, daily competitions, helpful staff and constant fun. Come and find out why we're #1. Nitro client now available.
Wired & fun. Daily competitions. Nitro client. Dream casino. Regular updates. Dedicated server. No download. Custom furni. Hiring. Friendly community. Gambling. Custom features. Daily events. Free speech. Join now! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ’ฐ๐ŸŽฒ
โ˜… Rediscover Nostalgia! โ˜… Unique Dark-mode UI โ˜… Custom CMS โ˜… Community & Gambling โ˜… Join Our Open Beta v1.5! โ˜… Active Community, Rapidly Growing โ˜… No Bots or AFK Players, Genuine Engagement! โ˜… Custom Commands & Exciting Features โ˜… Seeking Staff!
Old School | Cameras | Trax | Shockwave | 2006 | Casinos | Wobble Squabble | Lido | Battle Ball | Snowstorm | Weekly Rares | Competitions & More!
We are finishing up HoloRP v2 for the "finished" version later in the year. We are fine-tuning and adding essential features. You can stay up to date on progress and join the community on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/2PBnM34
BlissRP is an upcoming habbo roleplay that strives on community-driven features. We are currently in open-beta, where 70% of the core functionality of roleplays has been implemented. Our team would love to hear your constructive feedback!
A server with an interactive system that offers users the option to play classic or roleplay Habbo. On NaHabbo you can work jobs, commit crimes, pull heists, or participate in events & socialize with friends!
HabboRP๐Ÿ’™ Work๐Ÿ’ผ Fight๐Ÿ’ช Heist๐Ÿ’ธ Farm๐Ÿฅ• discord.gg/yGExQhqg2G
Old School โ˜… r31/r39 โ˜… International ENGLISH, PT/BR, ES โ˜… Hiring Staff โ˜… Stable โ˜… Pets โ˜… Original Public Rooms โ˜… New Community โ˜… Wobble Squabble โ˜… Battle Ball โ˜… Snow Storm โ˜… TRAX โ˜… Join our new community and experience Habbo as it was in 2007-2009!
Revival RP is a Habbo Roleplay based on the old school era. We feature gangs, turfs, weapons, bounties, drugs, brawls, corporations, bank robberies, requesting court trials, digging graves and more!