Habbo Retros

Find the best Habbo retros in town!

Wired & fun. Daily competitions. Nitro client. Dream casino. Regular updates. Dedicated server. No download. Custom furni. Hiring. Friendly community. Gambling. Custom features. Daily events. Free speech. Join now! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ’ฐ๐ŸŽฒ
Grand Reopening! Operational since 2023. Fully working wired, custom furni, dream casinos and constant updates. Now hiring for staff!
โŒ NO Client Downloads, All in the web ๐Ÿฆ• Shockwave Themed Client๐Ÿ‘• Custom Clothing ๐Ÿ‘œAll Modern Furni ๐Ÿ‘› Easy Economy - NO PAID VIP RANK, EVERYONE IS EQUAL๐Ÿฅ‡ Daily and Weekly Competitions
Welcome to the home of original content. Why join Habora? We're a regularly updated server with a nostalgic classic vibe. Offering only the best, a strict economy, latest furni & clothing, unique events and much more! Try us - you won't regret it!
Splushzone is a virtual retro hotel with passion and conviviality. Own radio & nice staff team. Events and much more. Be sure to join us to watch.
Soul City - Welcome to Soul City we have a player base of RP Players and have made some aspects of the hotel into a city to RP in, However we are also still a fully pledged Hotel, Fully Updated Clothes and Furniture with updates almost weekly.
Dedicated Hotel โ˜๏ธ AtomCMS โ˜๏ธ Arcturus MS3 โ˜๏ธ Nitro V2 โ˜๏ธ Friendly Community โ˜๏ธ Events โ˜๏ธ Auto-Games โ˜๏ธ Economy โ˜๏ธ Gambling โ˜๏ธ Discord Server โ˜๏ธ Looking For Staff โ˜๏ธ In Development
Welcome to a brand new Retro where the possibilities are endless. Build fantastic rooms with our extensive catalog! With players from all over the world! This hotel is looking for fun players. There are still several staff and other employee position
โ˜… Custom CMS โ˜… Community & Gambling โ˜… Active Community, Rapidly Growing โ˜… Custom Commands & Exciting Features โ˜… Seeking Staff! โ˜… Discord Server โ˜… Huge Selection of Furnis โ˜… Custom Wireds, Furnis & Clothes โ˜… Daily Events โ˜… Unique Games โ˜… Classic Rooms
A server with an interactive system that offers users the option to play classic or roleplay Habbo. On NaHabbo you can work jobs, commit crimes, pull heists, or participate in events & socialize with friends!