Habbo Retros

Find the best Habbo retros in town!

A server with an interactive system that offers users the option to play classic or roleplay Habbo. On NaHabbo you can work jobs, commit crimes, pull heists, or participate in events & socialize with friends!
Dedicated Hotel ☁️ AtomCMS ☁️ Arcturus MS3 ☁️ Nitro V2 ☁️ Friendly Community ☁️ Events ☁️ Auto-Games ☁️ Economy ☁️ Gambling ☁️ Discord Server ☁️ Looking For Staff ☁️ In Development
BlissRP is an upcoming habbo roleplay that strives on community-driven features. We are currently in open-beta, where 70% of the core functionality of roleplays has been implemented. Our team would love to hear your constructive feedback!
Old School | Cameras | Trax | Shockwave | 2006 | Casinos | Wobble Squabble | Lido | Battle Ball | Snowstorm | Weekly Rares | Competitions & More!
A showcase of features from 2007: SnowStorm, BattleBall, Wobble Squabble, Lido diving, board game halls, photos and Trax editor. Other features include credits every 20 minutes, daily changing rares and more!
Babbo Hotel: Friendly Staff - HIRING - Eco - Fast Server - Nitro - Always Updated - Ever Growing Community - Discord Join now! 🎮🏆💻💰🎲
Old School ★ r31/r39 ★ International ENGLISH, PT/BR, ES ★ Hiring Staff ★ Stable ★ Pets ★ Original Public Rooms ★ New Community ★ Wobble Squabble ★ Battle Ball ★ Snow Storm ★ TRAX ★ Join our new community and experience Habbo as it was in 2007-2009!
❤️ Welcome to Fobba ❤️ Custom CMS ❤️ Regular Updates & Open for improvement ❤️ Builders Tool ❤️ Cases ❤️ In-Game Event Schedule ❤️ Lottery ❤️ New Furni ❤️ Custom Furni ❤️ Friendly Staff ❤️ Open and friendly Community ❤️ Join Today! ❤️
YouHab Hotel is an international Community focused on friendship where we do our best to keep an enjoyable and not toxic environment for everybody. We merge the good things of the old Habbo to the power of the newest technologies. Join us :)
🌴⭐The Premier Role-Play Experience Awaits You!⭐🌴 | Strong Community | Large Map | Custom RP EMU | Banking | Corporations | Phones | Jobs | Cars | Custom Commands | Custom Clothing | Housing & Real Estate | Crime | Subway System | Events